On this wall
Bristol graffiti - I think it's some of the best in the world. These are my photos of it.
18 March 2010
15 March 2010
Weston Super Mare
Taken on my half frame camera (before I dropped and broke it) - it took 2 pics onto the same negative
11 March 2010
7 March 2010
6 March 2010
1 March 2010
26 February 2010
25 February 2010
23 February 2010
22 February 2010
21 February 2010
14 February 2010
The Art of Democracy - 5th March to 15th April
Opening night: Friday 5th March, from 7pm
Show: 6th March to 15th April, Mon to Fri, 10-6, Sat & Sun 10-5
Bristol Gallery, Unit 2, Building 8, Millenium Promenade, Harbourside, BS1 5TY
(If, like me, you had no idea where that is, there's a map here)
12 February 2010
Random news and stuff
Weapon of Choice, 14 St Michael's Hill, Bristol, BS2 8TD
Exit through the gift shop, the Banksy film is out on 5th March, and will be on at the Watershed then, according to Cheba, the source of all knowledge .
3dom has got some great prints for sale, only 22 available, £40 each - check'em out here: http://3dom22.blogspot.com/2010/02/22.html
MKWF has put this great collection of Bristol handstyles up on his blog. It's very simple, very lovely, shows the huge diversity of talent and variety in the city, I love it. Have a look here, and then spend some time on his blog, it's a nice one.
The Sickboy Show is still on at the Friend and Co gallery, until 27th February
Friend and Co, 24 Park Row, Bristol, BS1 5LJ
11 February 2010
Back in Bristol!
Patio de Maravillas
This was something I found through the superb Urban Art trail, put together by Guillermo de Madrid for the Unofficial Tourism strand of Madrid Abierto - we'd passed the end of the street a few nights before, but hadn't gone down it, which would've been gutting if I hadn't seen this. I didn't see Guillermo's blog until this morning, which was our last in Madrid, but I wish I'd seen it earlier, it's full of amazing things, you should definitely look. (Massive thanks to dug da bug for pointing me in that direction, and also for all the info on Madrid writers)
(We only found the Unofficial Tourism caravan on our penultimate day, otherwise I would have done all the tours... especially the "bars over 100 years old" tour... and the flourescent lights tour.... and the rest of the urban arts tour.... The thing I liked best about it the brochure, though, was the words about the Cañada Tour - really hard-hitting)
Anyway, I'm back in Bris now, with about 11 films to develop and a massive backlog of Madrid graff - as I get around to it, I'll put it up in my flickr set if you're interested - but in the meantime, here's a wall we found earlier today...
10 February 2010
9 February 2010
8 February 2010
7 February 2010
6 February 2010
5 February 2010
3 February 2010
Bye to Bris for a bit
Anyway, don't forget the shows this week:
Friday 5th - 27th February - Sickboy presents Logopop Bristol
Friend & Co gallery, 24 Park Row, information here
Saturday 6th February - Cheo night of pictures, live painting and noise
Golden Guinea, Guinea Street, information here
2 February 2010
1 February 2010
Sickboy presents Logopop Bristol
Break out your yellow and red paint and all your secret temples! Sickboy's back in town!
He's having a show at the Friend & Co Gallery (in their new venue, *not* the little small Glos Road one) starting Friday and lasting til the end of the month
You can see more of Sickboy's fabulous work here - and more about the show here. God, I love Sickboy's stuff, he's one of the reasons I got into graff in the first place, him and Jef Row. I miss his stuff being around Bristol, it made me grin and feel a bit happier to see his temples, even on the dullest days. Anyway, my pics of his stuff here
Sickboy presents Logopop Bristol
Private view: February 5th, 7-10pm
Show: 6th - 27th 2010, Tues - Sat 10am - 6pm
Friend & Co Gallery, 24 Park Row, Bristol, BS1 5LJ
29 January 2010
Soker show 30th January
OK, all I know about this one is that the amazing Soker, the absolute king of Wildstyle, is having a show tomorrow at the Golden Lion Pub on the Gloucester Road. No idea what time it starts (guessing maybe 7? 8?) assuming some kind of music and painting, and I *think* it's on for 4 weeks.
But everyone should go, just in case, because Soker is incredible, I love the way he just rocks up and makes the most amazing lettering, beautiful style. My pics of his stuff here
45rpm Fanzine
This photo is from 45rpm, not taken by me. Under it, he says
"Just got around to making a fanzine of my trip to New York New York. Loads of graffiti photos from Earsnot, Nekst, ATG, Ja one etc etc.
You can view it online and download it for free in the link below, over 100 full colour photos..."
And you do really need to look at it, it's amazing
28 January 2010
27 January 2010
Cheo Show 6th February
At the Golden Guinea, Redcliffe - with live music and live painting
Saturday 6th February 2010, 4pm - 2am
19 Guinea Street, Bristol, BS1 6SX
26 January 2010
25 January 2010
24 January 2010
23 January 2010
22 January 2010
21 January 2010
I don't know who you are, Peter, but this one's for you
There's got to be perfect place to take this shot from... aside from the student flats it's got to be aimed at....